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DO NOT Pay a Speeding Fine, Parking Ticket or Red Light Camera Fine Until Y'all Read Every Word on This Folio... It is Just That Damn Important!

Information technology is Focus and Attention, NOT Fines and Detention, that REALLY save lives on our roads!

- Are y'all sick of receiving ridiculous fines for minimal speeds over some arbitrary posted speed limit?

- Do you want the security of NEVER paying a speeding fine, parking ticket or red light photographic camera fine again?

- Do you desire to avert paying your next speeding fine quickly, easily and     WITHOUT using any lawyers?

- Practise you think information technology's "too hard" or takes "too much effort" to fight dorsum against these unjust and unlawful fines?

Well, recollect again! Aussie Speeding Fines has created a unproblematic to follow, footstep-by-step e-volume that shows you that fighting an unjust and unlawful traffic fine can be as simple, in some cases, as just writing a single letter. In other cases, you may but accept to write 2 or iii letters.

And, fifty-fifty if worse came to worse and you had to accept a fine to court, we show you all the inside tips and tricks - from the actual Police training manuals - as well as explaining powerful Constitutional and Commonwealth laws that you can employ very but in a court situation to defeat your fines there.

Before you lot go whatsoever further, take some time to read over our numerous testimonials pages hither - which we now accept to update almost EVERY week because we get so much positive feedback - and encounter only how many people are successfully using our information to fight dorsum against these insane fines.

So, do you want to arm yourself with the most COMPREHENSIVE collection of information on speeding fines and all their associated laws and so larn how to employ them to YOUR reward?

Practise you want to know the latest cut edge strategies on how to avoid paying unjust speeding fines, parking fines and red lite camera fines and then learn how You lot taking a stand and exercising your civil and common police force rights is going to brand our roads SAFER for everyone else?

Then read on....

"Speeding Fines – What Yous REALLY Demand to Know!" has been available to the Australian public for well-nigh ten years now and it is taken the motorists in this country by storm.   If you have Whatsoever questions or doubts equally the effectiveness and authenticity of our strategies, then we would immediately direct you to our Testimonials page, where people from all states take successfully fought dorsum against ALL types of traffic fines, using our data, and WON!

This 85 page e-volume (it has grown from 65 pages initially and Members are provided with all e-book updates gratis of charge for LIFE) details EVERYTHING yous need to know about speed detection, speeding fines and their associated laws and EXACTLY how to use this information to YOUR benefit. Delight click here to find out more than about what is really covered in our due east-book.

It shows you in very simple, footstep-by-step terms (including copies and examples of exact letters to write) what you need to do to avoid existence subjected to all unjust and unlawful traffic fines and WHY it is important to do so.

We all know that the government lies and cheats, but Aussie Speeding Fines' e-book will expose to you merely how MUCH they lie and cheat in respect to traffic fines (in particular, speeding fines) and, no affair how bad you thought they were before, our FACTS volition SHOCK you.

This e-volume is NOT designed so anybody can go effectually speeding lawlessly and simply get away with it. It is well-nigh making the government Accountable for their ILLEGAL activities, forcing them to STOP robbing innocent motorists and So introducing a system of road laws that actually WORKS.

Aussie Speeding Fines will bear witness you exactly HOW and WHY our system volition Piece of work for you and EVERYONE else on our roads and how we will ultimately bring in a far better licensing arrangement for everyone that actually DOES reduce the death toll and makes driving far more enjoyable for everyone!

All the information is provided in a straight forward, very simple to read and understand format. In fact, this is the most fun you will probably e'er accept, learning about the laws of this land.

"I Ever bulldoze Below the speed limit and have never received a speeding fine simply one mean solar day I got one for 68km/h in a 60 zone. I figured that I MAY have been going that fast and I didn't desire any problem then I just paid it.

So, nigh four months subsequently, I had an blow and I rang my insurance company, where I had Rating ane for life, merely they DENIED my claim considering I forgot to tell them near that speeding fine. Now I find out, with the number of PROVEN errors with speed detection devices it is VERY likely that I wasn't doing anything wrong anyhow!

And then, I was basically stuck with tens of thousands of dollars worth of repairs only because I did not take the data contained in this eastward-book!"

Do you lot Ever Bulldoze Below the Speed Limit?

And then yous MUST download the gratis report above (make full in your details in the box at the summit of this page and it will automatically be eastward-mailed to yous) because y'all take NO idea that you may very likely exist driving effectually and Not be covered in the outcome of a claim. You lot probably have no idea what the regime is up to past fashion of ILLEGALLY imposing their will on the very motorists who elected them.

If you e'er drive below the speed limit then the chances are that if yous Take e'er received a speeding fine so you lot would take probably just paid it – considering you didn't want whatsoever trouble. You no doubt had this feeling inside that yous weren't Really speeding but thought that information technology was too hard to fight a fine or information technology price likewise much money to fight.

This is Not the instance though. If yous KNOW that you weren't speeding (because you are a law abiding denizen) then you lot accept an OBLIGATION to allow the authorities know. Remember, the governments in our country are elected BY the people FOR the people. Therefore, it is your DUTY to allow them know if they are not serving you. The reality is that if you DON'T speed and then a elementary letter of the alphabet can be all information technology takes to accept the fine withdrawn and protect your insurance.

That's Right – Your Insurance!

Do you realise that if you don't tell your insurance visitor EVERY fourth dimension you get a speeding fine and then they can DENY a legitimate claim?

All they have to say is that you did not fulfill your duty of disclosure obligations! They likewise accept the right to reject your insurance renewal if yous Take received a speeding fine.

Then, if you go to another insurance company and try to get insurance and tell them you were refused insurance from your previous visitor, then they probably won't insure you either. If you DON'T tell them that yous were refused insurance previously, you lot run into the same problem of not being covered in the consequence of a claim.

If you tell these companies the truth though, they have every right, and unremarkably exercise that correct, to charge yous More than per twelvemonth for your insurance, fifty-fifty though NO correlation has EVER been proven between speeding and there being more than accidents.

At present, imagine this happened to you and you NEVER broke the speed limit, but it occurred simply equally a upshot of a faulty speed camera. Y'all think this is a stretch or an unlikely scenario? WRONG! People get booked EVERY solar day because of inaccurate speed detection devices, and our e-volume explains this in DETAIL.

There are a number of websites out there that contain bits and pieces of information relating to speeding fines and speed detection devices, but OUR Aussie Speeding Fines site is your one-stop shop for EVERYTHING yous need to know in a simple to read e-book with a step-by-step layout.

Don't skip around from spider web page to web page trying to put everything together yourself. Aussie Speeding Fines take done all the hard work for y'all and we have the most comprehensive collection of information on this topic available in Australia today.

You practice Not need to be a traffic lawyer to sympathise this. In fact, by the time you've finished reading it, y'all will actually know more than about the ins and outs of traffic fines and traffic police force than almost EVERY lawyer in Australia. We have thoroughly researched all our information for over 15 years at present and nosotros accept only passed on the most upwardly to date and accurate data that you tin can actually Utilize, to avoid paying a speeding fine, EVERY time. We have been operating for most 10 years now, so you tin can be bodacious that our data works just equally we say information technology does - later all you can't stay in business organisation for 10 years in this day and historic period if your product and service don't deliver as promised.

Please click here to select the east-volume option that all-time suits your needs and get an Aussie Speeding Fines Member and order your copy of our 85 page e-book - "Speeding Fines, What You REALLY Need to Know!" - and find out EXACTLY how this data is going to revolutionise driving on Australian roads and how YOU tin can exist part of that revolution! Or please enter your details into the box at the tiptop of this page and get a gratis copy of our report – "How and why yous should never pay a speeding fine or parking ticket again!"

When you've finished ordering our e-volume, delight pass on our website to Anybody you know who drives in Commonwealth of australia, because there is not a single driver in this country today that won't do good from our information.

Thanks, and here's to safer and happier motoring for us all.

The Squad at Aussie Speeding Fines - Authors of:
"Speeding Fines – What Y'all Really Need to Know!"

P.S. Please note that your Due east-book Membership not only entitles you to a re-create of our due east-volume merely likewise to unlimited electronic mail access to our on-line experts, completely free of accuse, for life! So, rest assured, you're non merely buying an due east-volume, only on-going support and answers to whatsoever questions you may accept along the way.We know that fighting fines can be stressful and nosotros're here to assistance you lot every step of the style.

P.P.S. You MUST read our shocking new report (

Bonus Written report 3

) that exposes why ALL speed cameras must be IMMEDIATELY removed from service in Commonwealth of australia and what YOU can exercise to ensure this happens!

P.P.P.S. Click here to read all almost our on-line petition to have ALL speed red calorie-free cameras removed from service and what yous tin can do right NOW to help accomplish this!

Click below to become an East-book Fellow member and lodge. And don't forget, if for Whatever reason you don't believe the information in our e-book is everything we say information technology is, and more - you lot have a total 30 days to read through it - we will immediately give you your money dorsum (less whatever relevant P&H).

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One-half of all fine recipients in Victoria who challenge tickets succeed in having them dropped, figures from the state Attorney-General's part testify.


    Motorist wins, but don't say a word

    Another twenty-four hour period, another speed fine scrubbed on the Geelong Road. But hither, for the first time, Diary has a photograph that spills the beans. Have a look at the machine (bottom) Robin Rodgers was driving at the moment he was fined for doing 108 km/h in August last year. On the original print the outlines of the sensor strips are visible and, says Rodgers, his car's rear wheels in lane ane accept yet to cross them. Rodgers (below) says he had his prowl command set for ninety km/h. He was existence overtaken past a giant milk ship nevertheless it was he who was fined $138.


      Parking mess

      Article from: Herald Sun

      • August 18, 2007 12:00am

      A DESPERATE Melbourne Urban center Quango is pressuring its parking inspectors to pursue motorists and issue more tickets to generate an actress $1.5 million in revenue.


        $1m in traffic fines every 24-hour interval

        Article from: Lord's day Herald Lord's day

        Chris Tinkler and Kelvin Healey

        May 13, 2007 12:00am

        VICTORIA'S speed photographic camera and traffic fine greenbacks moo-cow is reaping more than than one million dollars a day for the Bracks Government for the first time.

        But less than a third of the coin, provided by fixed and mobile speed cameras, is beingness spent on road safety initiatives, according to official figures.


          THE accuracy of mobile speed cameras is nether assault by the legal world.


            No manufactures found.



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